Modern False Ceiling Designs - srijan interios

Modern False Ceiling Designs For Home – Srijan Interios

From time to time one likes to add some interesting and new modern features in their house to upgrade the look. Sometimes we change the color of the walls and bringing new home decors is needs no reason. But have you ever wondered, what is that one thing that instantly catches the eyes of the guests who comes to your house?

Remember the mandatory style statement in every upper-class house to have a chandelier placed in the center of the ceilings? As time passed this trend was replaced by plaster of Paris designs on the ceilings and now this has been replaced by a false ceiling.

What is False Ceiling?

For all those who are wondering what the false ceilings are, they are the gypsum plaster, which is better than the san cement plasters. They instantly add a rich and modern look to your room. There are a variety of false ceiling designs available depending on the room you would like to renovate or your color choice.

False ceilings are all the more enhanced using the LED bulbs, which provide the perfect lighting and aesthetics to the room. Be it your office or your living room, there is a false ceiling design for everyone. Additionally, you can add some wallpaper in accordance with the false ceilings to provide your room the complete finish.

Which False Ceiling Suit You Most?

There is no rocket science to understand that the ceilings occupy a huge surface area in the room and therefore plays a vital role in defining the aesthetics and all-in-all planning the layout. They also are important as they offer a thermal comfort of the space. Following are the designs according to the rooms you can opt for:

Living Room – Modern False Ceiling Designs

Using false ceiling with drop patterns are the latest addition to the designs. The colors that must be used for living rooms are subtle and neutral tones. There are patterns like circular or geometric which you can choose from.

Bedroom – Modern False Ceiling Designs

For the bedroom, you can play with both designs and colors. Use shades like white and blue for the quirky look. Floral designs ceilings are loved by many. There are glass reflections false ceilings also available for the bedrooms.

Kids Room – Modern False Ceiling Designs

Choose designs like crowns, fan shape, or also you can go with simple patterns but play with colors. There are a variety of options available for the kid’s room as well.

Office Area – Modern False Ceiling Designs

When it comes to renovate or design your office area, the designs are often simple yet classic. Parallel lines, or circular patterns, and the rectangular shaped false ceilings under yellow lights add a stylish feature to your office.

Each one of us would love to woe others and show off their home interiors to their guests. As the guests enter their homes, they want them to be surprised and amazed with the interior designing and exquisite designs on the room. False ceilings attract the eyes of the guest in the first few seconds. Whether your room gets the complete natural light or not, the false ceilings along with the perfect lighting can bring in and set the apt atmosphere of the room.

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Address:- 220 A, Rama Market, Pitampura, Delhi 110034